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Promising Practices

The Promising Practices database informs professionals and community members about documented approaches to improving community health and quality of life.

The ultimate goal is to support the systematic adoption, implementation, and evaluation of successful programs, practices, and policy changes. The database provides carefully reviewed, documented, and ranked practices that range from good ideas to evidence-based practices.
Learn more about the ranking methodology.

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(135 results)

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Filed under Good Idea, Community / Domestic Violence & Abuse, Teens, Adults, Urban

Goal: The goal of Project SURVIVE is to end all forms of power abuse in relationships, social groups, and public institutions.

Filed under Effective Practice, Community / Crime & Crime Prevention, Children, Teens

Goal: The goal of the program is to prevent young offenders from becoming chronic delinquents.

Filed under Good Idea, Health / Diabetes, Children, Teens, Adults, Families

Goal: The goal of the Rethink your Drink campaign is to prevent chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease by reducing sugary drink consumption.

Impact: Rethink your Drink is increasing public awareness of the health effects of consuming sugary beverages.

Filed under Good Idea, Health / Adolescent Health, Teens, Urban

Goal: To provide housing to homeless youth aged 18 to 24 and provide comprehensive behavioral health services.

Filed under Good Idea, Community / Transportation, Children, Teens, Adults, Families, Urban

Goal: The project's mission is to encourage car free, carefree travel to and around Santa Barbara for cleaner air and a healthier planet.

Filed under Good Idea, Environmental Health / Toxins & Contaminants

Goal: Through regional media campaigns BayROC promotes personal action and behavior change to reduce waste.

Filed under Effective Practice, Education / Student Performance K-12, Children, Teens, Urban

Goal: Spark's mission is to provide life-changing apprenticeships to youth in underserved communities across the United States.

Filed under Good Idea, Economy / Investment & Personal Finance, Families, Urban

Goal: The goal of SparkPoint is to help low-income families create step-by-step plans to help them get out of poverty and achieve long-term financial stability.

Filed under Good Idea, Art & Recreation / Art, Children, Teens, Adults, Older Adults, Urban

Goal: SpeakOut allows individuals to share their personal stories, through song, poetry, and music, and enjoy a sense of camaraderie and love with their listeners.

Filed under Good Idea, Education / Childcare & Early Childhood Education, Children, Families

Goal: The project's goal is to identify children with disabilities and other special needs at an early age and provide those identified with the appropriate support so they can be successful when entering kindergarten.

Miami-Dade Matters